Union 1.0 Alpha 6 Released

Alpha 6 introduces the first phase of Union's "persistence" feature set, which includes user-account management and server-side data storage. Starting with Alpha 6, Union clients can save room attributes and client attributes to a database or other data source. Union Server now includes a light-weight built-in database called Apache Derby. Because Derby comes built into Union Server, Union developers can now easily create multiuser applications that support user registration, login, personal data storage, and application data storage--all without any special server configuration.

Developers can also optionally connect Union's persistence layer to an existing data source, replacing Union's built-in database with any other database or arbitrary data source. For example, a travel-booking Web site could replace Union's built-in database with an existing database of users and allow those users to login via Union's standard account API. Union applications, such as a traveller's chat or a realtime booking agent, could then be integrated directly into the Web site's existing data management system.

For sample code showing how to use Union's user-account management in ActionScript 3.0, see the new Reactor sample User Account Registration and Login.

For more information about this release, please see the Union 1.0 Alpha 6 Release Notes.