Union 1.0 Beta 1 Release Notes

Union 1.0 Beta 1 is now available for download. Beta 1's primary focus is Union Server security. Prior to Beta 1, malicious clients could easily attack Union Server using built-in commands such as "remove room" and "remove account". For example, a client could request a list of rooms on the server and remove them all without restriction. As of Beta 1, Union Server provides fine-grained controls over client privileges. An administrator can, for example, specify that a room can be removed by the client that created it only, or that no client is allowed to remove any room. For complete details, see Union Server's security settings documentation.

Users of tryunion.com please note: Previous versions of Reactor (Alpha 7 and older) are not compatible with Union Server Beta 1. To ensure that your users can connect to tryunion.com, please recompile your applications with Reactor 1.0 Beta 1.

Union 1.0 Beta 1 includes the following new features and fixes.

Reactor (Flash Client SDK)

  • Added support for Union Server's permission-based security.
  • Minor bug fixes and documentation improvements.

For a complete list of changes in Reactor, see the Reactor Beta 1 Roadmap.

Union Server

  • Feature: Implemented permission-based security.
  • Feature: Allow server developers to dispatch custom events from EventProducers.
  • Feature: Add ATTRIBUTE_CHANGED and ATTRIBUTE_REMOVED client events.
  • Feature: Added support for Orbiter (JavaScript) client connections.
  • Fixed: Memory leak when clients log in.
  • Fixed: NullPointerException when persisting an account attribute for an account that is not logged in.
  • Change: Refine datasource attribute mapping expressions in configuration.

Note: Configurations that have used a custom datasource may need to change their configuration. See the persistence documentation for more details.

For a complete list of changes in Union Server, see the Union Server Beta 1 Roadmap.

Union Admin

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.

Reactor GUI

  • Minor bug fixes.