Union 1.0 Alpha 4 Release Notes

USER1 Subsystems Corporation is proud to announce the release of Union 1.0 Alpha 4. Alpha 4 features a substantial upgrade to Union Admin and ongoing minor improvements to Reactor and Union Server.

Users of tryunion.com please note: Prior versions of Reactor (Alpha 3 and older) are not compatible with Union Server Alpha 4. In order to continue using tryunion.com, please update and recompile your applications with Reactor 1.0 Alpha 4.

Alpha 4 includes the following new features and fixes.


  • The UPC specification has been updated to better separate certain request results from their side effects. For example, when a client sends a join-room request to the server, the server now sends two messages: 1) the request result in a JOIN_ROOM_RESULT message to the client that made the request, and 2) the side-effects of the request in a JOINED_ROOM message to all interested clients. Reactor's events reflect this specification change, so that application developers can now handle request-results in one listener and side-effects (joined room, left room, attribute changed) in another listener. For more details, see Union Platform Issue #88.

Reactor (Flash Client SDK)

  • Changed the argument order of the Client class's getAttribute() method so it is more convenient to use.
  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Ongoing API documentation improvements.

For a complete list of changes in Reactor, see the Reactor Alpha 4 Roadmap.

Union Server

  • Automatic policy file refresh when the file is updated.
  • Minor bug fixes.

For a complete list of changes in Union Server, see the Union Server Alpha 4 Roadmap.

Union Admin

  • The policy file for all Flash gateways can now be viewed in the admin.
  • Added lifetime number of rooms deployed to Server tab.
  • Added Log tab for viewing the Union Server log.
  • Rooms tab now shows more detail, including room and client attributes.
  • Added "Kick Client" button under Client Control tab on Rooms tab.
  • Added logout button.
  • Gateway tab now shows breakdowns of connections and clients by type and UPC version.

For a complete list of changes in Union Admin, see the Union Admin Alpha 4 Roadmap.

Union Admin Alpha 4 Screenshot 1

Union Admin Alpha 4 Screenshot 2

Union Admin Alpha 4 Screenshot 3

Union Admin Alpha 4 Screenshot 4