Union 1.0 Release Notes

Union 1.0 is officially now shipping! The final release is available for download here.

Users of tryunion.com please note: Reactor Beta 1 and older is not compatible with Union Server 1.0. To ensure that your users can connect to tryunion.com, please recompile your applications with the official Reactor 1.0 release.

Union 1.0 includes the following changes. For a detailed list of platform-level changes, see the Union Platform 1.0 Release Roadmap

Reactor (Client Framework for Adobe® Flash® Player)

  • Minor bug fixes

For a complete list of changes in Reactor, see the Reactor 1.0 Release Roadmap.

OrbiterMicro (Client Framework for JavaScript)

  • No changes

Union Server

  • Explicitly set length of attribute VALUE columns to 768 in hibernate configs.
  • Consolidate banned list access.
  • Logoff during client shutdown should happen after client is removed from rooms.
  • Bug Fix: Unable to watch/unwatch banned addresses.
  • Bug Fix: Room.sendMessage only sending if the client is an occupant. Should also send if observer.
  • Bug Fix: CLIENT_LOGIN, CLIENT_LOGOFF events dispatched as Event not ServerEvent.
  • Bug Fix: Memory leak in long running persistent TCP connections.

For a complete list of changes in Union Server, see the Union Server Release Roadmap.

Union Admin

  • No changes

Reactor GUI

  • No changes